Hello Everyone Kenneth here again for a great revealing secret that everyone is trying to get their hands on in the past few weeks. As you may have all recently heard or seen there is a brand new ground breaking diet that's getting ready to storm the market called
the E-Factor Diet. Created by John Rowley and backed by industry experts and medical researchers this diet is guaranteed to be a win win for everyone looking for a healthier body and life.
Now this diet isn't like most diets that have been all over the internet in the past five years this is an E Factor Diet and it's far better and will be named one of the most liked and used diets in the past ten years. You may ask yourself why? Or how is this even possible that there is yet even another diet option available since there has been diet's for anything and everything in the past few years? Well i'm here to tell that this diet isn't about not eating carbs, or packing on the protein with every meal or snack. And this diet isn't about you having to workout twice a day seven times a week. and this diet isn't about buying pre packed meals or spending money on all these expensive diet meal books just to lose ten or fifteen pounds and then peek out and be stuck, potentially gaining all the weight back plus a few more pounds in two to three months. This diet is about eating at the perfect time. Some might think this should be called the eat at the right time diet or eat whatever you want diet but for now we are going to stick with the name that
John provided for this new ground breaking diet "The E-Factor Diet".
Now some may wonder what does the E stand for in the E-Factor Diet, well i'm here today to tell you just that specific piece of this diet strategy. Hopefully this will peak your interest enough to want to know more about how you too can be healthy and live healthy by learning all the e factors of this new exciting diet.
So back to the E well it stands for multiple factors but i'm here to tell you that one factor of the E-Factor Diet is
endothermic. That's right endo thermic. Now you might say what the heck does that mean. Well endothermic means of a reaction or process accompanied by or requiring the absorption of heat.
endo-, derived from the word "endon" (ἔνδον) meaning "within" and the root "therm" (θερμ-) meaning "hot." So what does that got to do with dieting you ask well it has to do with your digestion and we all know that if you eat you need to digest properly in order to fully process the foods you eat so you don't continue to store the unwanted or unneeded elements that continue to make you unhealthy. Unfortunately these un digestive portions of food are the exact things that are responsible for things like allergies, acne, arthritis and even depression. With that being said you can definitely understand the importance of a good digestion process especially when it comes to a diet. And feeling great and being truly healthy eating great tasting food that you are already eating today is what you should really want in a diet.
So with that being said and you now having one of the factors of the
E Factor Diet to learn more about when to eat those endothermic foods throughout your day I would like you to watch a small clip that will not only answer this questions but will also reveal the other factors in this diet. Once you watch this you will have a better understating of not only what endothermic foods are but when exactly to eat them in order to stay healthy and keep your body a fat burning machine as it has always intended to be. We just need to reprogram our bodies back to how they were meant to be from birth. We have damaged ourselves by consuming a bunch of processed and unhealthy foods as well as eating them all at the wrong times. Till next blog, stay opened minded, true to your self and others around you and of course STAY HEALTHY.
------> Watch Now to Learn ALL the E's in the E-Factor Diet
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Health Conscious Advocate